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Concrete Wall

Our Mission

Friends of Shoal Creek Park 1 will holistically plan and recruit resources to create positive and long-lasting change for our community park, then help support the DeKalb County Parks and Recreation Department in its efforts to maintain a safe and welcoming green space for all.

Take the Vision Survey Here

Please visit the Shoal Creek Park Vision Plan website and take the survey to let us know what priorities you have with the planned improvements to our parks.


Our Story

The Friends of Shoal Creek Park 1 first established in 2015, then later reopened in 2020, began with a group of community residents seeking to organize and help to shape the future of our neighborhood park. Park Pride was recommended as a community resource to guide communities to do this work. It was determined that FSCP1 would need to collaborate with DeKalb County as well. Park Pride and DeKalb County Parks and Recreation work closely with the community to create a community-led vision for neighborhood parks. That process is called Park Visioning (Park Planning Assistance). 

In 2020, Friends of Shoal Creek Park 1 applied for Park Visioning (Park Planning Assistance) and after an application and a site visit, our park was chosen along with 2 other area parks, Shoal Creek Park 2 and Shoal Park Creek 3, for the park planning assistance program.

Park Pride believes that a great park begins with a strong, community-supported design.

Led by a registered landscape architect, the Park Visioning Program offers professional park design assistance to community groups free-of-charge.

Each year, Park Pride guides four communities through a public engagement process that converts that community’s ideas and dreams into a conceptual vision plan that can be used to guide community-based development of the park over a longer period.

The vision plan is a conceptual plan and comprehensive report for the entire park, produced to professional landscape design standards through a public-engagement process spanning several months. This plan can then be used by community groups to fundraise and advocate for their desired improvements in the park.


Park Pride
Park Visioning Program

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